Back 2 Netball
The Back 2 Netball nationwide scheme is aimed at encouraging women aged 16+ to come 'Back to Netball', who have not played Netball since school or have lapsed due to having children or other pressures in life. Its main aim is to get women active and to increase the number of women participating in Netball and enjoying the social aspects of being part of a team. Since 2010, over 60,000 women have taken part in Back to Netball and realised the benefits of getting involved. From losing weight, developing the body’s cardiovascular system and improving muscle tone, taking part in Back to Netball is great for you in so many ways.
Back to Netball sessions provide a gentle re-introduction to the game and are led by qualified coaches. You don’t need any special kit, just clothes that you feel comfortable exercising in and trainers ideally that lace up. Make sure you bring some water and that you’ve had a snack a couple of hours before hand, something like our lovely sponsors Mrs Crimbles flapjacks or a banana so you’ve got plenty of energy.
Hundreds of women from all over the country are getting 'Back to Netball’ each week.
In this section you will find details of all the Back to Netball sessions and groups by clicking on the individual counties. If you do decide to give Back to Netball a try, it would be really handy if you can print out the Back to Netball Participant Registration Form, have a read, fill in the details and hand to your coach when you arrive. If you can’t, don’t worry, our coaches will have on hand for you to complete at your first session.